Located: From the junction of Rt 202 and Rt 179 in Canton, go south on Rt 179/ River Rd. The road splits into Bridge St/ Rt 179 and Center St. Bear left on Center St. Center St. becomes Huckleberry Hill Rd. Although the cemetery is on the left side of the road, if you continue farther along and make a left on Cemetery Rd., you can park more easily.
Google Maps Visuals: satellite view roadside view
Type of site: Northern part is Protestant, southern part is Catholic and belongs to St. Patrick Church
Condition: Well attended to and landscaped, a couple fallen stones, a couple stones are within forested areas
History and Notable Features: The older section is the west side, the newer on the east. The official entrance of the cemetery is down on Huckleberry Hill Rd. but Cemetery Rd. bisects the cemetery and is a better place to park. From an exploratory perspective though, if you can find a place to park on Huckleberry Hill Rd., you'll have an easier time wandering around. The landscape is VERY steep and my companion confirmed my own impression of slipping off a cliff edge after a certain point if you attack it from the top (Cemetery Rd.) down (Huckleberry Hill Rd.).
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