Located: From Burlington, take Milford St/ Rt 69 South towards Bristol. The cemetery is on the left with Scoville Rd. on the right.
Google Maps Visuals: road-side view satellite view
Type of site: Public cemetery, no longer in use
Condition: This poor cemetery is well-known for being a victim to vandals. A third of the stones are down and most of those are broken.
History and Notable Features: Most sites out there that mention Lamson Corner Cemetery do so in relation to its reputation for being haunted. Whether it is haunted or not, I cannot say, but the story goes that a late 1600s town adjacent to the burial site was wiped out by smallpox. I do not know if that is historically accurate, but, as I said, that is the story. Also, if you visit, be prepared for a visit from the police. I was not waylaid personally when I was there, but due to all the vandalism, the police do patrol the cemetery and there have been a number of reports of people being stopped and questioned.
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