Located: Near 2358 Norfolk Rd, Torrington, on right going north to Norfolk, adjacent to an inhabited house, uncertain if it is private property, easily visible and accessible from the road
Google Maps Visuals: road-side view satellite view
Type of site: Family burial plot
Condition: As of summer 2010, in great shape. Whoever tends it, be it the people who live beside it or some organization, keeps the grass cut, the weeds out, and leaves a pristine American flag and flowers at the stone wall entrance. When I originally found the site in 2002, it was much different. I could barely enter the stone wall enclosure for all the overgrowth that had been allowed to flourish due to neglect. It was a jungle and only the obelisk-like stone was visible in all the vegetation. A couple of stones have been reduced to bare inches of broken slab above the grass. Only a handful remain and of those, most are or have been damaged in some way.
History and Notable Features: Elijah Pond, born 1740 in Wrentham, MA, was the youngest of the eleven children of Ezra Pond. He married his first wife, Margaret Metcalf, in 1761. In 1775, he commanded a company of minutemen. In 1777, Elijah married his second wife, Mehitabel Pratt. By 1794, the Ponds moved to Torrington, CT. In 1815, Mehitabel died of dysentery and Ferdinand, the fourth child of Elijah's second marriage, died of measles who had been sickly since birth. Elijah died 1830. While many stones are unreadable, I know for certain that Elijah, Mehitabel and Ferdinand are buried in this plot.
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