also known as God's Acres

Located: Near 78 Old Middle St.From Goshen center/rotary, go south on Old Middle St. The cemetery is on the right immediately after the Fair Grounds. Difficult to see unless you are looking for it.
Google Maps Visuals: road-side view satellite view
Type of site: Public cemetery, no longer in use
Condition: Maintained nicely although it is uncertain if all the stones have been recovered from the overgrowth.
History and Notable Features: Old Middle St. Cemetery, or God's Acres as it is known in the Goshen Historical Society records, has been recorded as being abandoned since the early 1900s. However, at that time, it was in the middle of a field and surrounded by a weathered wooden fence. Today, it is hidden by forest. I have passed that particular cemetery for many years, yet never realized it was there until I began doing research as it is set far back from the road on the bottom of a hill. The cemetery is L-shaped and as you go around the bend, it is as if you have stepped back in time for as peaceful and scenic as it is.
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