Located: From Litchfield center, go west on Rt 202. Make a right on Milton Rd. The road splits. Stay left on Milton Rd. You will come out on Maple Rd. Make a slight right on Maple Rd. and then an immediate left (this is a continuation of Milton Rd). Milton Rd. Stay left on Milton Rd. once you hit Milton Green. At the next fork in the road, go left on Sawmill Rd. Make a right on Blue Swamp Rd. Milton Cemetery is on the right.
Google Maps Visuals: satellite view
Type of site: Town cemetery, still in use
Condition: Well-landscaped and attended to.
History and Notable Features: I visted this cemetery years ago (probably 2001/2002) and at the time, there was a child's stone with an unusual feature. As many of you may have seen at other cemeteries, many stones of children have a carved lamb as a feature of the stone. This one had a lamb that was carved separated and then fused to the stone... only the mortar that kept it attached had worn away. At the time, it had fallen, so I picked it up and replaced it on the stone it belonged to. This past visit, I could find neither the lamb nor the stone that had once sported it. I fear it is something that has been lost to time or thieves.
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