Located: From Rt. 8, take Exit 42. Go east towards Harwinton on Rt. 118/ Litchfield Rd. It becomes Rt.4/ Litchfield Rd. At Harwinton center (the triangle) continue on Rt.4/ Burlington Rd. The cemetery is on the right and is highly visible from the road. Best place to park is in the parking lot of the store right behind it.
Google Maps Visuals: road-side view satellite view
Type of site: Public cemetery, no longer in use
Condition: Well maintained in landscaping and stone repair/restoration. Many of these stones are pristine. However, on the side of the cemetery farthest from the road, there are bushes which have devoured a number of stones. Even when I went in the autumn when the bushes had no foliage, the stones were different to find and access.
History and Notable Features: This is the oldest cemetery in Harwinton. It has an extremely large collection of pre-1800s stones although I did not have the opportunity to study or photograph all of them. Many of the pre-1800s stones have faces etched in them, however, one of the stones actually has a carving of a face with the nose and forehead in relief.
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