Location: Near 593 Colebrook Rd., Colebrook, going north on Rt 183/Colebrook Rd. from Colebrook Center to MA, on right, visible from the road
Google Maps Visuals: road-side view satellite view
Type of Site: Public cemetery, still in use
Condition: Cared for but not highly tended to. The road in to the cemetery is paved, but the central road inside the cemetery is still gravel. The entrance way is lined with a stone facade which is falling down and in its place remains the styrofoam backing which is rather unsightly. The stones look to be in good condition.
History and Notable Features: While this cemetery has no particularly rich history, a notable feature regarding this cemetery is that it is riddled with metal headstone markers from the 1800s. These had a variety of styles and would be ordered out of catalogs. They arrived in pieces and would be erected on-site. Due to the mass-produced nature of these markers, they were considered tacky and cheap and many of the posh cemeteries banned these from their properties. Ironically, these "cheap" markers are in the best condition and have remained pristine while the costly slabs have been rendered illegible. This cemetery boasts the only two metal obelisks I have yet seen.
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