Location: Going north on Rt 183/Colebrook Rd. towards MA, make a right on Prock Hill Rd., then a right on McClave Rd. McClave Rd. branches into McClave Rd. which goes north, and Cobb City Rd. which stays east. Stay straight on Cobb City Rd.The cemetery itself is on the right, 2/10 of a mile from the branch upon a 'slight rise immediately adjacent to the road.' The cemetery itself is not visible from the road as it is shielded by tall grasses.
Google Maps Visuals: satellite view
Type of Site: Public cemetery, no longer in use, private property
Condition: Completely forgotten. Upon entering, the grass was taller than I was. Once inside, the vegetation is tall and overwhelming. It is a veritable jungle in some areas. Stones are either sunken or askew. Most inscriptions are illegible.
History and Notable Features: The Colebrook historian, Mr. Grigg, put me onto this particular burial site. It is located on the former McClave property which would seem to lend itself to the idea that it was a family plot, but there are others -- not McClaves -- buried there, so I am unsure. Mr. Grigg mentioned a stone he had seen years ago that had been purchased for the deceased by a neighbour and had put upon it that his family did not contribute one penny towards it -- an inscription I was unable to find. There is another stone there however with the inscription that the deceased was killed "by a cart passing o'er him." It's a beautiful little area. This cemetery is private property, belonging to YMCA Camp Jewel, but there are no signs posted and judging by the state of neglect, no one cares one way or another if you visit. Originally, this was town property, but as the cemetery had been forgotten, there was no provision in the deed to state that this section of land would remain town property when the YMCA purchased it.
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