19 November 2003

North Colebrook Baptist Cemetery, North Colebrook

Location: Near 48 Prock Hill Rd., North Colebrook, going north towards MA on Rt 183, Colebrook Rd., make a right on Prock Hill Rd., on left, visible from the road

Google Maps Visuals: satellite view 

Type of Site: Baptist to public cemetery, no longer in use

Condition: Well kept, mowed and weeded, no fallen or vandalized stones

History and Notable Features: The land originally was the apple orchard belonging to the Baptist minister and when parishioners needed a cemetery, they were buried in the orchard. In 1814, the minister, Rufus Babcock, offered the land to the town as a cemetery provided that he could harvest the apples for the rest of his lifetime. Mostly 1800s stones. It is a bit out of the way, but near a few other burial sites, so it is worth a look.

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