Located: From Winchester Center, take South End Rd., will pass the Hurlburt Cemetery obelisk on the right, stay right on South End Rd. when road splits into South End Rd. and Hollow Rd. The Winchester Cemetery is on both sides of road -- old section on the left, newer section on the right.
Google Maps Visuals: road-side view satellite view
Type of site: Public cemetery, still in use
Condition:While the grass is cut and kept nicely, the stones, particularly in the old section, are tragically fallen. This place looks like the prime example of cemetery vandalism. When you first walk in the old section, it is not immediately apparent, but the farther in/back you go, the more the stones are broken, toppled over or leaning at a perilous angle. Although it looks like a small tornado popped up and made a large sprawling mess of the place, it's apparent that it's human handiwork. It made me sick to see it.
History and Notable Features: There are two stones with lambs on top, one in the old section, one in the new. They are the only examples of statuary in the cemetery. Also, in the newer section, there are rough cross-sections of stone to mark the corners of a semi-garden of flat headstones and walkways between them which is very unusual. Do take note that signs are posted regarding ticks, and, while exploring out of doors one should always be careful of ticks, the warnings are there for a reason. This is the only cemetery I have visited where I have found ticks on me afterward -- at a grand total of five. So do a very thorough tick-check at the end.
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