Location: From Cornwall center, take Rt 4/ Cemetery Hill Rd. east. Make a left on Rt 43/ Cornwall Hollow Rd. Make a right on Bradford Rd. Park along the side of the road. Take the path on the right along the stone wall. NOTE: Private property -- the owners of the property live in the first house on Bradford St. on the left side. ASK FIRST.
Google Maps Visuals: satellite view
Type of Site: Family plot, no longer in use, on private property
Condition: Well-tended, and the family who owns the land keeps the path beautifully
History and Notable Features: There are some beautiful 18th century stones here, the most prominent one belonging to Deacon Benjamin Sedgwick whose stone dates to 1757 and who died of apoplexy. The preservation method of surrounding the stone in a newer casement is definitely one that seems to have worked very well and is less invasive and damaging that many other preservation attempts seen in other cemeteries.
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